Friday, February 29, 2008

Relieve Dry Itchy Damaged Skin Fast Naturally

Relieve Dry Itchy Damaged Skin Fast Naturally
By Helen Hecker Platinum Quality Author

The use of natural or synthetic cosmetics to cover the condition of the skin is common among many cultures. Xeroderma, the medical name for dry skin, occurs most commonly on the lower legs, arms, the sides of the abdomen and thighs and is a very common condition.

Skin contains hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, apocrine glands and blood vessels. The dermis is structurally divided into two areas: a superficial area adjacent to the epidermis, called the papillary region, and a deep thicker area known as the reticular region. The average square inch of skin holds 650 sweat glands, 20 blood vessels, 60,000 melanocytes, and more than a thousand nerve endings.

If you break out on the skin around your eyes, it could be the shellac in your mascara; buy a shellac-free mascara like Ecco Bella's. Nutritional deficiencies, especially deficiencies of vitamin A and the B vitamins, can also contribute to dry skin or result in a chronic dry skin condition that's not relieved by anything else. Serious skin complications, including a dry skin condition, can arise for people with type 2 diabetes.

Dry skin happens more often in the winter when the cold air outside and heated air inside cause the humidity to be low. When the oil glands do not supply enough lubrication to the skin, the skin becomes dehydrated. Forced-air furnaces may make skin even drier than it already is.

Consider taking cod liver oil or fish oil supplements, in liquid form, every day. The two most common problems that affect your skin are: not drinking enough water and not eating enough fiber. I put two tablespoons of coconut oil in my smoothies, which are made with fruits only - using a base of two bananas, then adding fruit, frozen or fresh-- blend well.

If you use moisturizers, use the thick, oily-type which work better for dry skin. Avoid all products that have an alcohol base. For any skin condition, it's always better to take a natural approach.

Apply coconut oil to irritated or chapped lips as well; it's edible, so it's safe and so healing to the lips. Use coconut oil to remove your make-up at night, like I do; it leaves a fine layer of oil to nourish your skin all night long; but better yet, apply more coconut oil. Use a thin layer of coconut oil under your make-up, if you wear it, to moisturize and soften your skin throughout the day.

Apply coconut oil daily to your skin to heal, moisturize and soothe it. Coconut oil is very inexpensive - a great, cheap home remedy for all skin conditions.

Skin that's not clean favors the development of pathogenic organisms; the dead cells continually slough off of the epidermis and mix with the secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands and the dust found on the skin, to form a layer on its surface. The skin is subject to constant attack from without; it can be affected by many conditions, diseases and ailments.

Following some of the above treatments, your dry skin should be well on its way to recovery. You should see the results with improved skin within a few days following using these dry skin tips and suggestions. If you're still worried about your skin, or the problems persist, see your skin doctor.

For more information on coconut oil treatment for dry skin and dry skin care treatments go to Helen Hecker R.N.'s website specializing in care for skin conditions with tips, advice and resources for women, men, teens and babies, including information on the best natural products

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Itchy Skin Rash? Top 7 Natural Remedies To Cure Your Itch

Itchy Skin Rash? Top 7 Natural Remedies To Cure Your Itch
By Adam Waters
Adam Waters
Adam Waters
Level: Basic

Adam Waters overcame a potentially life-threatening bout of meningitis in April 2000. Due to this life-changing experience Adam decided to kick the toxic lifestyle habits ...

Do you want to get rid of your itchy skin rash? Read on...

If you have used mainstream skin care products to solve skin irritations like itchiness and rashes without success, fear not! The following list of the Top 7 herbal remedies may help you cure your itch.

Before we jump into the natural remedies for your itchy skin rash it is important to understand what may be the culprit so you can prevent further outbreaks.

As strange as it may seem, the ingredients and chemicals used in most skin care products are far and away the leading cause of skin irritation and rashes. Yes, the very products you use to care for your skin may in fact be the source of your itchy skin rash.

For more information on this very important topic I advise you to cross-check the ingredient labels on your current skin care products with top 160 toxins in skin care listed alphabetically at Natural Skincare Authority.

Top 7 Natural Remedies For An Itchy Skin Rash

1. Witch Hazel: Acts as an astringent that relieves an itchy skin rash as well as more serious skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Because of its anti-oxidant properties it is also used for treating sunburn. For maximum benefit, use fresh witch hazel bark. Simmer one ounce of the bark with one pint of water and leave for ten minutes. Strain and cool. Apply with a clean cloth and leave it on for 30 minutes.

2. St Johns Wort: This yellow flower native to Europe has been used for thousands of years, from the Greeks to Native Americans It is well known for it use in treating depression and anxiety, though because of its astringent properties it can also be used to to moisturize and refresh the skin, particularly an itchy skin rash.

3. Aloe Vera: This is gel-like substance from cut Aloe is widely known for treating skin burns and sunburns. Aloe vera also helps in healing wounds and minor skin irritations such as an itchy skin rash. This plant produces anti inflammatory, anti bacterial, and anti fungal properties. It also contains folic acid, zinc, and vitamins C and E. The best way to get the benefits of aloe vera is to use the fresh gel from the plant. At the time of application, slice off a portion of the leaf and directly apply the gel to the affected area.

4. Calendula Essential Oil: Calendula is widely used for reducing inflammation and treating diaper rash. Experts say that Calendula works by stimulating the production of white blood cells that aid in destroying harmful microbes. You can also use the actual herb by mixing it with boiling water, one cup of the boiling water to two teaspoons of the herb. Let it simmer for about ten minutes. After the mixture has cooled, apply to the affected area by using a clean cloth.

5. Chamomile Essential Oil: Has anti inflammatory (anti-microbial) properties that soothes and eliminates an itchy skin rash and irritations. Chamomile is also used in treating eczema, psoriasis, and sunburn. Please be aware, people who are normally allergic to grass and ragweed may acquire an allergic reaction to chamomile.

6. Jewelweed: Provides relief from poison oak, poison ivy rash, insect bites and bee stings. To use, crush the fresh leaves into a ball and rub over the rash as quickly as possible

7. Wild Pansy: This is a European wild flower that soothes and relieves itching and skin irritations associated with eczema. This is also used for soothing acne problems.

For a natural product alternative to the highly toxic mainstream skin care products click this list can also serve as an ingredient check-list to evaluate potential products.

Adam Waters exposes the hazardous toxins that lurk in mainstream and so-called "natural" skin care products with hard-hitting product reviews at that cut through the corporate hype and spin. To find out how you can lead a 100% natural non-toxic lifestyle sign up for your free mini-course Natural Skin Care Secrets at

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Dry Itchy Skin - Get Immediate Relief Naturally

Dry Itchy Skin - Get Immediate Relief Naturally
By Helen Hecker Platinum Quality Author

Natural treatments for dry skin are the best choice today rather than harsh chemical treatments. As we age, our skin produces less of the natural oil that helps it retain its moisture.

Our skin has many nerve endings that provide the sense of touch and heat. The epidermis contains no blood vessels, and cells in the deepest layers are nourished by diffusion from blood capillaries extending to the uppermost layers of the dermis. The blood vessels in the dermis provide nourishment and waste removal to its own cells as well as to the epidermis.

Skin gets exposed to the elements, especially in winter, causing it to become drier. Dry skin can also be a sign of an under active thyroid. When the skin loses moisture it may crack and peel, or become irritated and inflamed.

Certain drugs, including diuretics, antispasmodics, and antihistamines, can contribute to dry skin conditions; check with your pharmacist or doctor and read the drug insert - you can get one from your pharmacist. Dry skin happens more often in the winter when the cold air outside and heated air inside cause the humidity to be low. Forced-air furnaces may make skin even drier than it already is too.

Good nutrition from living foods - foods that are alive - will help your skin from the inside out. Eating fruits that are red or orange in color will help improve your skin health and help to prevent acne. Get 20-30 minutes of sunshine daily on your arms and/or legs; sunshine triggers the body's production of Vitamin D3, which is essential to having healthy skin.

Take fewer baths or showers; they'll dry out your skin even more. Cosmetics should be used carefully because they may dry out the skin or cause allergic reactions like contact dermatitis; read the labels. Apply moisturizers just after a bath or shower, when your skin is still damp.

Dry skin contributes to fine lines and wrinkles; coconut oil helps prevent the onset by keeping the skin soft and supple. Coconut oil is very inexpensive - a great, cheap home remedy for all skin conditions. Coconut oil is the best healing, soothing, and moisturizing treatment I've found for dry skin; in fact all types of skin conditions, skin eruptions, pimples, acne, milia, irritations, cuts, burns, fungus, etc.

Use coconut oil to remove your make-up at night, like I do; it leaves a fine layer of oil to nourish your skin all night long; but better yet, apply more coconut oil. Apply coconut oil daily to your skin to heal, moisturize and soothe it.

Skin that's not clean favors the development of pathogenic organisms; the dead cells continually slough off of the epidermis and mix with the secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands and the dust found on the skin, to form a layer on its surface. The skin supports its own ecosystem of microorganisms, including yeasts and bacteria, which cannot be removed by any amount of cleaning.

You should see the results with improved skin within a few days following these dry skin tips and suggestions. It's time to call your doctor for an appointment when all your home remedies do not relieve your dryness and itching. Call your skin doctor if dryness and itching are preventing you from sleeping.

For more information on coconut oil treatment for dry skin and dry skin care treatments go to Helen Hecker R.N.'s website specializing in care for skin conditions with tips, advice and resources for women, men, teens and babies, including information on the best natural products

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Dermatitis Causes Symptoms Information With Treatment

Dermatitis Causes Symptoms Information With Treatment
By Juliet Cohen

Dermatitis is a blanket term literally meaning " inflammation of the skin". Symptoms of inflammation are itching, pain, redness, swelling, and the formation of small blisters or wheals (itchy, red circles with a white centre) on the skin. There are different types of dermatitis, and the disorder can have many causes and occur in many forms. Generally, dermatitis describes swollen reddened and itchy skin. Seborrheic dermatitis can also affect the skin on other parts of the body such as the face and chest, and the creases of the arms, legs and groin. The inflammation is caused by an allergy or irritation as a result of substances found in the workplace that come into direct contact with the skin. Dermatitis may be a brief reaction to a substance. The hands and feet are particularly vulnerable to chronic dermatitis, because the hands are in frequent contact with many foreign substances and the feet are in the warm, moist conditions created by socks and shoes that favor fungal growth. Dermatitis is a common condition that isn't life-threatening or contagious. But, it can make you feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. A combination of self-care steps and medications can help you treat dermatitis.

Your skin is constantly exposed to the elements making it susceptible to a variety of problems, including the common condition dermatitis. It is usually used to refer to eczema which is also known as Dermatitis eczema . Some types of dermatitis affect only specific parts of the body, whereas others can occur anywhere. However dermatitis is always the skin's way of reacting to severe dryness, scratching, a substance that is causing irritation, or an allergen. In all cases continuous scratching and rubbing may eventually lead to thickening and hardening of the skin. These diseases include asthma, hay fever, and atopic dermatitis. dermatitis most often affects infants and young children, but it can continue into adulthood or first show up later in life. Many children with atopic dermatitis enter into a permanent remission of the disease when they get older, although their skin often remains dry and easily irritated. This kind of dermatitis is caused by chemicals that are irritating (e.g., acids, bases, fat-dissolving solvents) to the skin and is localized to the area of contact. Another difference is that allergic dermatitis can occur in other places on the body that did not come in contact with the allergy-causing material.

Causes of Dermatitis

The common Causes of Dermatitis :

Contributing factors include genetics, concentration, duration of exposure, and presence of other skin diseases.

Most common agents are plants of the Toxicodendron genus (eg, poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac).

A common, chronic skin condition that can affect the Dermatitis area as well as other locations on the body.

The inflammation causes the skin to become itchy and scaly.

The most common cause of dermatitis. The condition is usually caused by exposure to certain chemicals in combination with extreme heat or moisture, which can cause a breakdown of the skin.

An irritant produces direct local cytotoxic effect on the cells of the epidermis, with a subsequent inflammatory response in the dermis.

Exposure to environmental irritants can worsen symptoms, as can dryness of the skin, exposure to water, temperature changes and stress.

Dermatitis caused by a fungal infection in the Dermatitis area.

Symptoms of Dermatitis

Some Symptoms of Dermatitis:

Skin lesion or rash at the site of exposure

Atopic dermatitis

Skin redness or inflammation in the exposed area


Localized swelling of the skin

Perioral dermatitis

Itching ( pruritus ) of the skin in exposed areas

Treatment of Dermatitis

Your doctor will recommend antibiotics such as flucloxacillin or erythromycin if infection is complicating or causing the dermatitis. The infection is most often with Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes.

Antihistamine tablets may help reduce the irritation, and are particularly useful at night

Systemic steroids, azathioprine, phototherapy, and other complicated treatments may also be used for severe cases.

Ultraviolet light treatments (UVA, UVB)

Protect your skin from dust, water, solvents, detergents, injury.

Apply an emollient liberally and often, particularly after bathing, and when itchy. Ask your doctor or dermatologist to recommend some to try; avoid perfumed products when possible.

Wear soft smooth cool clothes; wool is best avoided.

Hospitalizaton for treatment of severe dermatitis that is not responding to the above treatments.

Juliet Cohen writes health articles for health diseases and disorders. She also writes articles on women makeup tips.

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Dermatitis: The Dry Itchy Skin Disease

Dermatitis: The Dry Itchy Skin Disease
By Jimmy Sturo Platinum Quality Author

If you have dry and itchy skin, there's a very a good chance that you have dermatitis. Some people have problems with dry skin alone, while others are troubled solely by itchy skin. But if you suffer from both symptoms, your condition is much worse. Consult your doctor immediately to see if your dry itchy skin is the first indication of dermatitis.

If the Dry Itchy Skin Does Mean Dermatitis

If you are diagnosed with dry itchy skin, don't fret. Though dermatitis is a stubborn skin condition, it is entirely manageable. As long as you consult your doctor, follow his instructions and take your medication, your symptoms can be addressed in no time at all.

What Causes Dermatitis

Described as an inflammation of the skin, dermatitis is a disease that appears when the skin comes into contact with an irritant or allergen. In other words, dermatitis is a type of skin allergy. The irritant or allergen can be anything- living or non-living. Interestingly, one of the most common causes of dermatitis is when particularly sensitive skin comes into contact with metal jewelry that has a low gold or silver content.

What to Do When You Have Dermatitis

If you know what caused your particular case of dermatitis, then make sure that you avoid the irritant or allergen at all costs.

Avoid scratching, even if the itchiness is becomes unbearable. Scratching will not make the itchiness go away; instead, it aggravates your discomfort. Scratching can also cause your skin to break, making it more vulnerable to infections and other skin diseases. Use a moisturizer to lessen the itchiness.

Bathing in extremely cold or hot water regularly may cause dermatitis; choose a mild soap as a stronger one could cause an adverse reaction.

As for clothes, always wash newly purchased clothes bought before wearing them. Go for clothes that give your skin enough breathing room. Cotton is always a good fabric for people with dermatitis. Cut off the labels of your clothes if they make you feel particularly itchy.

Dry Skin provides detailed information on Dry Skin, Dry Skin Care, Dry Skin Treatment, Dry Skin Lotion and more. Dry Skin is affiliated with Natural Acne Skin Care.

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Alternative Cures For Athletes Foot and Itchy Skin

Alternative Cures For Athletes Foot and Itchy Skin
By Vanessa A. Doctor
Vanessa A. Doctor
Vanessa A. Doctor is a professional content writer. She writes for ...
Platinum Quality Author

Athlete's foot is a common fungal infection, which the middle portions of the toes, particularly the fourth and fifth web toes, and the skin becomes itchy and sore, cracking and peeling away.

This commonly-occurring skin condition causes itchy, peeling skin on the feet. In fact, it occurs so frequently that most people will have at least one episode at least once in their lives. This irritation occurs less often in women and children under age 12. Since the fungi flourishes well in warm and damp areas, they thrive in and around swimming pools, showers, and locker rooms. Tinea pedis got its name since the infection was regularly a fixture among athletes who often used these areas.

Trichophyton rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, and Epidermophyton floccosum, the fungi that causes athlete's foot, are unusual types, since they live exclusively on dead body tissues of the hair, the outer layer of skin, and nails. The fungus thrives best in moist, damp, dark places with poor ventilation.

The problem doesn't occur among people who usually go barefoot. Although this irritation responds well to over-the-counter treatments, one just can't be sure what allergies and other skin reactions these medicines may cause. Most people suffering from this irritating condition go for natural cures and remedies, and among the popular remedies are noted below:

* Tea Tree Oil - Tea tree oil is an effective treatment for skin problems, which include bacterial and fungal infections, because it has potent anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. The best results are reached by applying a few drops of tea tree oil on the affected area at least, four times a day. To completely eradicate this problem, try to continue the treatment for another 2 to 4 weeks, even after you find the allergy clearing up.

* Tea - Using tea is also a potent treatment method. Use a quart of boiling water, add six tea bags and soak your feet in it for 30 to 60 minutes. The tannic acid in tea kills the fungus and soothes the pain and itchy feeling on the skin.

* Natural apple cider vinegar - Apple cider vinegar s an effective cure for athlete's foot and other itchy skin conditions. To use, one needs to pour it on the infected skin and allow the vinegar to dry. Rinsing the skin afterwards with water and drying it thoroughly will help get rid of athlete's foot, and this has to be done continuously.

*Baking soda - Pouring baking soda on the affected feet and between the toes after shower helps dry the area and eliminates dampness from the skin. It is advised to powder the area with baking soda daily until the infection is gone and continue doing so for at least a month afterwards.

Most people regularly experience having really itchy scalps or skin. Itching skin can be very uncomfortable and can be extremely miserable for the sufferer, however many types of itchy skin conditions can be solved with simple remedies. There is a wide array of reasons why the scalp or skin gets irritated. Before someone wishes to embark on their own treatment methods, it would be wiser to first seek a dermatologist's advice before proceeding.

Prime Herbal -

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

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Itchy Skin

Itchy Skin
Itchy Skin Treatment

Some causes of itchy skin include:

* Eczema
* Contact dermatitis
* Poison oak
* Poison ivy
* Insect bite
* Insect sting
* Parasites
* Scabies
* Lice
* Tick bite
* Shingles
* Dandruff - causing itchy scalp

Vaseline is an excellent treatment for itchy skin. Try apply it to the itchy area several times a day, and after bathing.

If the itchy skin is red, warm and swollen, it can ooze fluid. You may need antibiotics to get rid of this kind of infection.

A moisturizer might be all you need to relieve itching. If a moisturizer does not help enough, you could try using 1 percent hydrocortisone steroid skin cream for a week. If this is not helpful, your doctor may prescribe stronger steroids or antihistamine pills.

Itchy Skin

Videos about Itchy Skin - Causes, Cures, treatment, Identification Of Types.

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